We are Fixed Price Accountants for Sussex
Here are our promises to all of our customers. Some you’d expect from a leading firm of accountants and some that maybe you wouldn’t…
Fixed Fees
So many business owners we meet are fed up with surprise bills and there’s absolutely no need for it. Not only will we agree your fixed monthly fee in advance, we will also review our fees with you regularly so we know you continue to be delighted with our service and the price you pay for it.
Challenge. Improve.
Traditional firms take the bookkeeping from you and complete the year so you remain compliant. We believe this is just not enough. A huge part of our service is to challenge the way you do your bookkeeping, who does it and what technology they use, so we can improve things for you. Faster, cheaper bookkeeping in real time so our advice is when you need it, not several months after the event.
Complete Honesty & Transparency
A customer of ours told us that a few years ago he had to close a business down. He is adamant that he should have done it a year earlier, which would have saved him tens of thousands of pounds and a year of unnecessary stress. If only his accountant at the time had had access to his real time bookkeeping and also challenged him.
Sometimes what you need to hear isn’t exactly what you want to hear. As your trusted adviser, we take our responsibility seriously and if that means giving you bad news or challenging you we will do so, always with your best interests at heart!
Keep your Fees as Low as possible
Keeping your accountancy fees as low as possible is not rocket science. Our policy is simple. We will always offer you the chance to keep your fees lower by training and supporting you on cloud software. If your books are up to date and accurate then our job is made easier so we can focus our attention on support and advice. If, like many you simply don’t have the time to do your bookkeeping then we can take it off your hands at a very competitive rate.
We are completely flexible and so you can change your pricing throughout the year if needed by taking on or giving away some of your bookkeeping work.
No Accountease if you Please!
There’s no technical speak from us. We speak to you openly and honestly and promise not to blind you with jargon. How much money has the business made and how much are you going to get? If you don’t understand something we’ve said then ask us to explain it more clearly. We can get our thesaurus out if needed!